Monday 23 May 2011

The American Revolution

1. Explain the following terms: monarchy, divine right, absolute power.
2. The 18th century is known as the Age of _______ or the Age of ________.
3. John Locke was a ________ from ________ who wrote _________.
4. Who were the philosophes?
5. Thomas Paine wrote _________.

Reasons for Revolution.
1. The British monarchy was represented in the thirteen colonies by the ________.
2. The people of the thirteen colonies were represented on an _______.
3. What were the Navigation Acts?
4. How did the Seven Years War lead to discontent in the colonies?
5. 'No taxation without representation' was the slogan of the ________.
6. Explain the signifigance of the Stamp Act.
7. Write four sentences about the Boston Massacre.
8. Why did Paul Revere ride to Lexington?
9. The Declaration of Independence was passed on _______.
10. Give four results of the American War of Independence.

The Revolution
Fill in the following table.

British Army Advantages
Continental Army Advantages
British Army Problems
Continental Army Problems

Fill in the blanks in the timeline.


This is only a timeline. You will need to fill in the detail for your People in History question on George Washington.

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