Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Agricultural and Industrial Revolution

   1. Give two factors that made the Agricultural Revolution     possible.  
2. Mention two consequences of Enclosure.

3. Mention two effects of the Agricultural Revolution on Britain.

4. Write down one major improvement in agriculture associated with one of the following.     Jethro Tull        Lord Charles Townshend            Robert Bakewell

5. Mention two disadvantages of the Open Field System.

6. Give two reasons why the population of Britain increased so greatly during the first half of the nineteenth century.

7. Mention two effects of the Transport Revolution on Britain.

8. Explain how one of the following persons improved life for people in the nineteenth century.   Robert Owen           Louis Pasteur                      John McAdam

9. Name one important invention associated with each of the following.
James Hargreaves        James Watt         Abraham Darby              Richard Arkwright

10. Give two reasons why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain

11. Why was coal so important to the Industrial Revolution?

12. Name two effects the new inventions in the cotton and woollen industry.
13. What was a Turnpike Trust?

14. In 1825 the first goods train ran between what towns?

15. Write an account of one of the following: Improvements in transport during the Industrial Revolution; The impact of steam power during the Industrial Revolution.


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