Thursday 18 October 2012

Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Plantations: Background

Background - Fill in the blanks.
In the _____century about _____ people lived in Ireland and most of these people lived in the _____. The King of England was the ______ but he had very little control over the country. The country was divided into three areas, the ______, ______ and the ______.

The _____ was an area north and south of Dublin and it was the only part of Ireland where _________________________. The people followed ______ law and spoke ______. They were often raided by ______ and so built a ditch around the area to protect themselves.

Parts of the land were controlled by _________ and these lords were descendants from the ________ who invaded Ireland in the _____ century. They were supposed to be loyal to the king of England. They followed a mixture of _____ and _____ law. Some of the families, such as _______, ________ and _______ were very powerful.

The rest of Ireland was under the control of _________. They followed _____ law and spoke ____. Their way of life did not differ that much from that of their ancestors the _____. They did not recognise the king of England. Each kingdon of _____ had it's own king. The most powerful of these families were the  ______, ______ and the ______.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Industrial Revolution Revision Videos

    Why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain.

Life during the Industrial Revolution

Wednesday 25 May 2011

French Revolution Revision Cartoon

You don't need to know everything in this cartoon girls but listen for key words and phrases that you know.

French Revolution

1. List four causes of the French Revolution.
2. Explain the term Absolute Monarchy.                      
3. Describe how French society was divided.
4. What taxes did the Third Estate pay.
5.How did the American Revolution influence the revolution in France?
6.Why did Louis XVI call a meeting of the Estates-General?
7. What was the Tennis Court Oath?
8. When and why did the people of Paris storm the Bastille?

The Spread of the Revolutions
1. The National Assembly was forced to take action. What changes did it make?
2. Explain the ideas in the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
3. Explain the slogan of the Revolution.
4. Write a short paragraph on each of the events in the timeline below.

Robespierre and the Terror
1. Why was the Committee of Public Safety set up?
2. Who was Maximilien Robespierre? Write five lines about him.
3. What problems did the Committee have to solve?
4. Name and explain four actions the Committee took to solve these problems.
5. Why was Robespierre arrested and executed?
6. Name and explain five results of the French Revolution.